Japanese researcher, activist dedicates Master's thesis on Assad's genocide to Syrian freedom

After three years of hard work and research, Ichiko Yamada, a Japanese researcher, obtained a Master’s degree from the University of Tokyo specializing in Genocide Studies with a thesis entitled ‘A Study on the Mechanism of Genocide Within the Broader Concept - The Issue of Genocide Against Civilians in the Syrian Revolution’.
Ichiko states that this study "sheds light on the human side of what is going on in Syria, not just data analysis." He continues, "I do not consider this graduation message merely as research, but rather as a form of resistance against the worst types of criminals in the world, against impunity, against the failure of our humanity."
The study by the Japanese researcher concludes that "what happened in Syria and in the prisons of the Syrian regime in particular is not just mass violations of human rights, and is not routine violence that usually occurs in war and conflict areas, but rather a systematic and deliberate act of extermination with deliberate intention through a series of clear instructions from the top leaders."
He ended his presentation by saying: "I have learned lessons from all the survivors whom I have met, lessons about the meaning of being a human being and the importance of living with dignity, for I see hope in you for this collapsed world."
From the conclusion of the graduation letter:
“Drafting this message and doing the research is more difficult than I had imagined. Carrying out interviews with survivors of families or their families that can open their wounds and examining images of torture and prison conditions all made me miserable and depressed, and I asked myself how any person could be so evil and unjust, yet the most painful part was the fact that people dying in Syrian prisons coincided with writing this thesis.”
“In 2017 I established a humanitarian organization called (Stand with Syria Japan-SSJ) in response to the crisis in Syria, so we felt confident about what we had done for a while because of the results we achieved. But at the same time that we were satisfied with our results, young men like me were horrifically tortured to death, young men who we could not save any of them. So I return to my feelings of shame towards them, and this fact will haunt me forever, so I think that doing this research was a way to atone for my sin.
“I know that my research cannot save the rest of the detainees or change the situation dramatically in Syria, but I have accomplished at least the best thing in my life. If those who will read my research feel even a fraction of the suffering of the victims and become true witnesses to the history of these brave men and women who sacrificed everything for liberation, then I will have contributed to a fairer and brighter future for all. "
Photo: Ichiko Yamada with photograph of one of Assad's victims
From: All4Syria